Veneers and Crowns
Veneers are ceramic restorations that can restore the natural appearance and function of teeth, helping to recreate the shape and texture of the teeth. Ceramic is a durable material that ensures comfort during chewing and speaking
Indications for Veneers:
Large composite fillings on teeth (composite, unlike ceramic, wears down, changes color, and loses its shine quickly)
Diastemas and spaces between teeth
When it’s necessary to change the shape and color of teeth
Tooth wear (when it’s necessary to restore the height and shape of the teeth) occurs during comprehensive diagnosis and treatment as part of general functional rehabilitation
How much of the tooth is shaved down before placing veneers?
The thickness of veneers is 0.3-0.5 mm, so the tooth is minimally prepared. This depends on the presence of old fillings, enamel cracks, the degree of tooth curvature, and other individual factors. At the same time, the placement of veneers does not threaten the health of the teeth, and, on the contrary, strengthens the enamel, preventing the development of cavities
How long do veneers last?
Veneers are fixed using a special composite cement that ensures a strong and reliable adhesive bond. The lifespan of veneers depends on oral hygiene, the technique of attachment, and the material used. Generally, the warranty period for a “star” smile ranges from 5 to 15 years
How to care for veneers?
Ceramic veneers can cover tooth discoloration while maintaining a stable shape, color, and shine. Care for veneers should be the same as for natural teeth: regular brushing and visiting a dentist at least once every six months
Do veneers solve all problems?
No. In some cases, aesthetic restoration is not possible without orthodontic treatment. Specifically, when there is an incorrect bite, significant damage to the internal part of the tooth, or thin enamel
Veneers are a solution for those who care about their health and beauty. You can learn all the details about the cost, quantity, and indications for installing veneers during a consultation with a specialist. A bright smile is everyone’s dream, and thanks to modern treatment methods, it may be much more realistic than it seems!
Ceramic Inlays (inlay, overlay)
In cases of extensive fillings on front teeth, veneers are replaced with durable ceramic restorations
RDTI - an index that determines the degree of tooth destruction
Depending on the index, we determine the type of restoration:
If the tooth retains 4 surfaces out of 5, a composite restoration will last more than 10 years
If there is caries damage to more than 2 surfaces (more than 40%), only a ceramic restoration can be used
Filling or restoration?
A regular filling will, over time, lead to secondary caries, as this material cannot handle the pressure. Each replacement = loss of more tooth structure
Ceramic inlays do not shrink, do not change color, and do not wear down – this ensures safe restoration without the risk of secondary caries
Ceramic and Zirconia Crowns
Placing ceramic crowns is the most aesthetic option for restoring a dental row. We place single crowns on teeth as well as on implants. A crown can eliminate discoloration caused by endodontic treatment
We use only metal-free biocompatible restorations that stand out for their durability, strength, and natural appearance. Ceramic does not cause allergies and is not prone to pigmentation. Thus, you will get an aesthetic and healthy smile for a long time
Fiberglass Post
2600 UAH
Temporary Crown
1000 UAH
Ceramic Crown
250 €
Ceramic Veneer
250 €
Zirconia Crown
200 €
Zirconia Crown on Implant
250 €
Upper and Lower Jaw Scans
50 €
Old Crown Removal
1000 UAH
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